To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

August 12, 2013

Weekend Catch Up

Sami's Shenanigans
This weekend went by so quickly, but then again, don't they always?
We have decided to put the Princess in a pageant this coming weekend. She has been in pageants before and loves them. She enjoys the dresses, getting her hair done, and hanging out with all the other little girls, and no this is NOT a Toddlers & Tiaras type pageant, nothing against those pageants, but just not for us.
This is a local, small home town pageant, natural hair, no makeup, pretty dress. One winner.
We rented a dress from a lady who does a fabulous job! I'm not going to show you all the pictures I took, but I'll show you a sneak peak of the back of the dress.
I will tell you, going into the dressing room, I was hell bent on a hot pink dress, so was little Princess. That is both of our favorite colors, but once we put this dress on, she fell in love and so did I!
I was shocked she enjoyed the white dress, but she sure did :)
We had some fun on a trampoline on Saturday, and before your mind goes to the gutter, I actually mean jumping on the trampoline. The hubs can do an amazing backflip!
I didn't dare try this b/c I didn't want to break my neck or back, and my front flip was a joke! I can barely land on my behind...oh well, some of us have it (like him) and others (like me) just don't!
A local girl here in town does monogramming, and not only is she completely inexpensive, she does a great job! I got these two shirts for Princess, three coozies, the hairbow to match the shirt, and two monogrammed clutches all for $70! Two clutches online would be $70, so the price is amazing, as is the quality. And yes, I am aware I am obsessed with monograms! It's a southern thing!
Home Depot on Saturday, have to ride on the long buggy!

We are holiday freaks! We get into the holidays around our home, and we get started early! The hubs tried on this mask and it fit him like a glove and matched his skin tone. It's his actual face shape and it moves with his mouth so it looks so real! I mean scary is that!

Joke is, I have given him a lot of gray hairs throughout the years :)
Here's praying that the Lord blesses us all with a fabulous week!

1 comment

  1. Love your monogrammed stuff and for a bargain! Awesome!


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