To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

March 13, 2014

Just My Opinion!

I don't get Tom's. I just don't understand this trend. They look horrible to me. If you are reading this and wearing a pair, I'm sorry, I truly don't mean to offend you, but yuck! Don't get me wrong, they are super cute on any child 12 or younger, but once you hit puberty switch to Sperry's...just my opinion.


I feel the same way about Jacks or Jack Rogers...whichever you prefer to use. I wouldn't spend $10 on a pair, let alone over $100...definitely not a fad I plan to wear...just my opinion.


I live 20 minutes from one of the biggest St. Patrick's Day celebrations in the world, Savannah, and I hate it. It's probably one of the weekends per year that we do not go to SAV. Drunken, obnoxious people, shoulder to shoulder, with the smell of pee, barf, and other non-appetizing scents is just not my idea of a good time, but if it is to you, then the best of luck to you...just my opinion.


Last night was Day 3 of P90X3 and it was Yoga. Tarl and I both relished the down time and more relaxing workout that Yoga provided. Tonight it's back on though, with a full 30 minute ab workout. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it's probably because I'm too sore to even type. As sore as I am though, it sure beats sitting on the couch...just my opinion.


I'm so doing this when I get home!


It may sound nerdy, but seriously, how awesome does that look...just my opinion.


Is it just me, or does this entire Malaysia plane disappearance intrigue anyone else? I am truly so saddened for the families that are absolutely clueless as to what has happened to their loved ones. It's a horrible time when you lose someone, but I couldn't imagine the "not knowing" of how you lost them. It would simply suck to not have any closure and you would always have in the back of your mind that maybe they are still alive. On the drive to work this morning, the radio DJs were speaking of new findings regarding this.

One of the passengers, a husband and father, handed over his wedding ring and watch (both family heirlooms) over to his wife prior to boarding. She stated that he travels often but has never done that before. They have two sons and he stated to her that if something happens, give my ring to our first born and the watch to our second born. Did this man have a premonition to something happening?

I normally am a more positive person, and I truly hope that all the people on that plane are still alive, stuck on an island, awaiting rescue...just my opinion. Let's continue to keep the families in your prayers!


Don't forget to enter my monogrammed bow giveaway! You're missing out if you don't enter it...just my opinion!

TTGood copy


  1. I am SO with you on both of those shoe things. Definitely not for me. And the plane thing has totally given me the creeps and I hadn't even heard about the ring/watch things, CREEPY. BTW I love your new blog looks!

  2. I live in Vegas so I understand what you're saying about St. Patrick's Day. That's why most locals don't like going to The Strip. Especially the older parts.


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