To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

September 16, 2014

What if I fall? Oh but my darling, what if you fly?

What If I Fall...

The word can't is inevitable in our society. We live in a world of cants, wonts and donts and it's sad that it is reflected on our children. I remember being young and my dream was to be a doctor, a pediatrician to be exact. As I grew older and more faint of blood I realized that wasn't in the cards, but still I had that dream and I had supportive parents who would have been with me the entire way had I followed through with them. 

I want that for Cadence. I vow to never be that mother who says you "can't". If she wants to grow up to be the next President, I'll encourage her. If she wants to fight crime by wearing a badge, I'll support her. If she wants to be what she currently wants to be, a Princess. I will do everything in my power to make that a possibility.

I never want her to second guess herself or her choices. I want her to know without a doubt that she is determined, moral and honest. I want her to follow her dreams, always. I never want her to wonder, I want her to do.

This saying means so much to me. What a beautiful inspiration!

Encourage your children.
Spend time with your children.
Don't laugh off their dreams, listen intently.
Be supportive all ways in always.
Love them, unconditionally.
Help them achieve their goals, regardless of their age.

My dear sweet Cadence,

What a joy you have been in my life. From day one you were a big ball of energy and brought an immediate glow into our family. You are loved by all who know you and you love just as much.
You are kind yet headstrong when you need to be.
You are smart but you have such a silly side to you that is hilarious and delightful.
You wear your heart on your sleeve, but know how to stand up for yourself if need be. 
You currently want to be a Princess, and I believe you will if that's what you choose.
Hector and Rosie are your "babies" and you are their mommy. You feed them and burp them, love them and "give them a bustin" if they get into trouble. It's hilarious to watch you mother them as if you were a true parent. What a wonderful mother you're going to be some day. 
I pray that you always have integrity and morals. 
I pray that you are always kind without being boastful.
I pray the world treats you kind.
I pray that you love Jesus and find the good in every decision he makes for you.
I pray you always know how much your daddy and I love you.

I love you my darling and remember...what if you fly?



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love this post! There needs to be more pple like you in the world. I worked for six (some of those miserable) years before pursuing a long time dream of mine, which is getting my masters. I have had many people say things to me such as, "I can't imagine being in school now. At this age." Um, thanks. A lot.


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