To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

October 15, 2014

Because Sometimes You Have to Talk About It (Woman Issues - You've Been Warned!)

Let me preface this post by stating that this is about woman issues, so if you don't want a TMI post, then stop reading now and go search for cute things on Pinterest...

Ever since I was young I've had recurring bladder infections. Too much pepsi and not enough water will do that to you. I've been checked over and over and never had anything serious wrong, just bladder issues that have run in my family and I inherited them from my Grandma. (lucky me!)

I've been really great about drinking water and seeing my Urologist when necessary for annual checkups and what not, but I have been slacking in the water department the past few months and as of last week it caught up with me.

Major lower back pain, not a pleasant peeing experience and the constant feeling like I have to go pee and then just a few drops come out. I know how sexy this sounds, but you were forewarned to stop reading :)

Anyways. I took my medication and the lower back pain went away along with the painful urination, but I still feel like I have to pee so I went to see my urologist this morning and come to find out I have something called Cystitis which is basically where my bladder is constantly inflamed due to the things I eat or drink. One tiny little thing can trigger it and "wham" I have that feeling like I need to pee even though I don't have to. 

She put me on a strict diet and basically every thing I love is on that list.

Things that you think would be healthy for you like grapefruits, strawberries, watermelon...think again. I have to stay away from them. No more sweet tea, pepsi, just nothing but water. Fun fun!

The only scary thing is the blood in my urine. I've always had a trace of blood in my urine. It's not something you can visibly see, it's only seen underneath their microscope. I would never know there was blood if they didn't tell me. It's not like I'm peeing a red stream just to be clear. 
Praise the Lord for that!

Every single time I've had my urine tested there is always traces of blood. 

This is a red flag for bladder cancer. It can be several other things and I have faith that all will be okay, but it is still scary none the less when your doctor throws out that awful C word. 

I have to be strict with what I eat and drink nothing but water for the next month, then I go back to get to pee in that sterile little cup all over again. If all is well and clean then I'm good to go, however if there is a trace of blood I have to have a Cystoscopy done to make sure there are no underlying issues. I have faith in God that all will be OK. If it happens to be something worse than I will do what I need to do to get better. 

I ask that you keep me in your prayers because prayers are key when someone is going through a struggle. Prayers are key whether you're going through something or not. The best part about praying is that you can do it anytime, anywhere and God will always listen to you. Isn't that amazing? That we have a Father who is there for us regardless. What an amazing God we have!

By the way, if any of you have ever had any similar issues please email me. Any reassurance would sure put my mind at ease...I did the worst and googled things when I know better than to google "Bladder Cancer Symptoms" and "Blood in Urine"...tsk tsk (I knew better but my typing fingers got the best of me!)

Thanks for the prayers!

1 comment

  1. You are for sure in my prayers! I am sure everything will be just fine!


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