To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

June 22, 2015


Kind of a lackluster title post, isn't it?
It was definitely fitting however.

Last Tuesday night while laying in bed I gave myself a self breast exam as I do each month. Breast cancer runs in my family as both of my aunts have had it, and beat it, praise the Lord!

I've always been pro-active about my health.
I get my annual exams like clock work and I've always self-exammed monthly.
This self exam turned out much different than all my others. I felt my first 'lump' and my heart sunk deep in my stomach. I sat up and felt and poked and prodded so much that Tarl thought I was being fresh with myself. I grabbed his hand and had him feel too just to make sure I wasn't crazy. 

When he felt it I got depressed and immediately thought the worst. 

It was late that night so I called and left a voicemail with my gynecologist telling them what happened and that I would be in first thing Wednesday morning. 

As promised I showed up bright and early on Wednesday where my doctor confirmed that she too felt the lump. She said that since I'm still young my breast tissue is more dense and with the lump being up high on my chest a mammogram wouldn't really suit the situation, so she gave me a doctors order to have a breast ultrasound done. 

I immediately called once I left her office to make the ultrasound appointment and they couldn't get me in until Friday morning. Which means I had to wait all day Wednesday and Thursday to ponder on the 'what-ifs'. Note to self - google is your worst enemy when you have time on your hands!

Friday finally came with very little sleep on Thursday night. 
The ultrasound showed absolutely nothing. My ultrasound tech was great and showed me the pictures and explained that all of my tissue looked normal and there were no masses to be seen. She said it was most likely just a build up of breast tissue, which is also common in women my age. 
She did suggest that I see a breast specialist to be 100% sure, so she arranged for me to see the specialist first thing this morning.

I've honestly been calm throughout this situation. I know I have the Lord on my side and I would pray when the nerves started rearing their ugly head. I'd be lying if I said I didn't shed a few tears out of fear, but for the most part I stayed calm and had a wonderful weekend with family.

This morning the specialist, along with her assistant, prodded and pressed all over my ta-tas. She also looked over the results of the ultrasound and agree'd that it was just a build up of breast tissue. She could hardly even feel the lump now and said that we would go back in six months, do another ultrasound, just to make sure that no masses have formed. She told me to continue to do self-exams and keep an eye out on the area but hearing the confidence in her voice, along with the ultrasound results and having three separate doctors look at it truly eases my mind. 

I know a lot of women have ultrasounds done and their results aren't as positive as mine. Their results can change their lives in an instant. I'm so blessed to have my health. It was truly scary to have this experience but it taught me one very important thing. Be pro-active about your health! Self exam monthly! Go to your annual exams (as painful as they may be!). I always schedule my papsmeare in January so I can get it over with and enjoy the rest of my year knowing it's done until another 365 days. It also shows you how quickly a lump can form. 

Check yourselves and be pro-active. Thank God this was nothing more than breast tissue!


P.S. On a much happier note, we officially booked our Disney trip for next year today, details coming soon...

1 comment

  1. That is such a relief! Glad it was a false alarm.


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