To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

January 25, 2016


Well hey there y'all and happy Monday! I know it's a Monday but we should always stay positive and thank the good Lord that we're here to see another beautiful day He has made. I know a lot of people over the Eastern region got tons of snow this weekend. We actually had a flurry that lasted about an hour. Cadence loved seeing the little snowflakes come down, but alas, not a flake stuck to the ground...typical South Carolina snow :)

Our weekend was pretty much spent at home other than the pageant Cadence was in on Saturday. I'm still fighting off this nasty head cold. I have gone through three rolls of toilet paper on my nose, no joke! My nose is so red and raw and hurts and sneezing is every five minutes. I'll surely be glad when it's gone. We hated missing Church on Sunday but I just wanted to get some rest and not chance getting others sick if I could help it. At Cadence's pageant I tried my best to stay away from everyone, speaking of...

Sweet girl won!

Our entire family is so proud of her. She loved that family members on both sides came to cheer her on. Cadence was happy that she won but she had mixed emotions. You see, last year she won the same pageant, but she won the Wee Miss title because she was in Kindergarten, when you move up to first grade you're in the Little Miss title, so she was able to compete again since it was a different grade/title. Well Little Miss runs through 3rd grade, so she can't compete in this pageant again until she's in 4th grade. Honestly, this makes me happy. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing her shine on stage, but we do pageants because she loves them, not because we make her. I'll be happy to take a break!

That's it for today. Just wanted to boast a little about my girl...I am biased of course.


1 comment

  1. Your daughter looks so pretty for her pageant!! I had so much fun doing those growing up!


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