To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

October 29, 2013

Lunchtime Funnies

Yesterday my sitter had a doctor's appointment so my sister kept Cadence for me. Earlier that morning the hubs took her to get her flu shot, so I FaceTime'd my sister to check on Cadence, here are some cute screen shots from our conversation!

I read a quote on instagram yesterday that stated, "life is what happens while you're on your smart phone". It hit me like a ton of bricks that we are in such a social media world. Don't get me wrong, I spend quality time with my family daily, but a lot of that is with the phone in my hand. Whether it's glancing at FB, scrolling through instagram, or snapchatting friends. As of last night we made a new rule for our household. After 7pm, phone's down unless there is an important call or text that has to be made. We will spend that time with the 3 of us, playing games, watching movies, sipping hot chocolate, decorating for the Holidays, crafting, whatever it may be.

To get started with this new rule I stopped yesterday and purchased two new games for our family. My personal childhood favorite, Cootie, and a new game I have never seen, Fibber.

We had such a great time!

Cooties from L to R: Hubs, Cadence, Me (needless to say, I lost!)

Last night I played around with my hair and mastered the Lady Gaga inspired hair bow.
It was fairly easy and super cute for a Halloween hairdo if you just want to be playful come Thursday.

Trust me, this is not something I would wear for a night out, but Cadence loves Hello Kitty, and would this not be perfect to match with that Halloween "Hello Kitty" outfit?


God willing we will be able to do Halloween this year. Our little Princess woke up this morning with a stuffy/runny nose and slept terrible last night because she was so stuffy. The weather here cannot make it's mind up, so hopefully that is the cause.

1 comment

  1. She looks just like you! I love the no phone after 7 rule, we need that at our house!


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