To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

October 9, 2013

Short and Sweet

It's nothing spectacular, but we have a few fall decorations on display. We do the décor for our own enjoyment because we do not live on the side of a road for all to see.

The mums at Lowe's were absolutely gorgeous! So I splurged and bought two to display on our steps, with a pumpkin in between.

Stacked bales of hay, with a daddy pumpkin, mommy pumpkin, and a little Cadence pumpkin on top, as she likes to call it, along with two little dollar tree scarecrow friends.

Like her new shirt? It seems everything we have for her is leopard print...Target if you're wondering, her big tulle headband is Gymboree, as well as her leopard pants.

She matched it with her Hello Kitty bracelet and last years tall boots...#CadencesOOTD (lol)

I know I've been slack on blogging as of recent, and my posts when I do get around to doing them, are short. I will tell you that we enjoy the Fall weather to the fullest, so any spare time is spent outside, not behind my computer...but I promise to start putting in more of an effort...

1 comment

  1. Look at her with all her sassy leopard print! That's a girl!


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