To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

July 10, 2014

Blog Update: This isn't Goodbye!

First, I want to start off by saying that this isn't some depressing post about how I am shutting down my blog, because I am NOT!

I absolutely love writing and sharing stories, thoughts, opinions and general every day randomness about being a wife and mom with all of you, however lately I just haven't had the passion in me.

With my job, summer time brings non-stop work. I'm not complaining because it makes the days go by so much quicker, however by the time I get home the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer. I want my time spent with my husband and daughter.

I love my blog and am by no means "shutting it down" there may be weeks when I post daily, however, there may be weeks when I post only once. I still plan on doing at least one weekly post, but as of now the daily posts are just not going to happen.

Between work and home not much exciting things are happening and I feel badly when I don't post on a regular basis but on the other hand I don't have much to post about, so with that being said, I'm not shutting down my blog. I love Life in the Lowcountry, both living it daily and here on the web in the form of my blog. I'm just no longer going to be "super' committed to providing a daily post.

I want my posts to be substantial. I want them to be informative, loaded with information, thoughts, and often times pictures and right now being busy with work and home I just don't have those resources.

I could post daily about which Disney movie we watched last night or what I cooked for supper, but to be honest I hate reading other blogs who post those things, so why would I do the same?

I want my posts to be relevant and have meaning and I feel focusing on one great blog post each week rather than a mediocre daily post is much better.

I advise you this is only temporary. Summer is hot, the days are long, but time on this earth is short and I don't want to spend any extra time behind my computer when I could be outdoors jumping on the trampoline with Cadence or snuggling up with my husband watching a movie.

So please be advised this is not goodbye. I'm just not going to be posting daily. I'm essentially going to post when I want to, but at the least, once per week.

I feel like blogs are a dying art and I don't want to contribute to that statistic by quitting on this one. I will not. I just want to enjoy my summer, both at work and at home without thinking of blogging as a chore rather than a hobby and as of recent that is what it has become. Hardly anyone follows anymore. Between G+, BlogLovin, Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter and the other thousands of social media outlets people just don't comment or interact via blogger like they used to. I want to get back to that. I make it a point to comment on at least five new blogs per week, even if they do not reciprocate the act. Again, Blogging is a dying art, let's bring it back! Let's write meaningful posts, even if they are only weekly. Remember it's about quality, not quantity! There are only so many posts about beauty products or OOTDs before it becomes boring. I want to hear about your life stories. Your family, friends, not your current beauty obsession. A lot of my most recent posts have been nothing but. It's time for me to take a step back and reevaluate Life in the Lowcountry.

When I have to sit down and contemplate on what to post, search Pinterest and the rest of the web for ideas, and even mark it down in my planner, that's when I realize it has become more of a chore and I want to get that passion back into my blogging.

I started blogging for me. I started blogging to have an online journal for myself but with a wonderful addition of online bloggers who are doing the same. I didn't blog for sponsorships, giveaways, beauty products or fashion posts. I blog for me!

Let's get back to true blogging.
Let's get back to commenting, following and participating with fellow bloggers.
Let's get back to quality posts worth reading.

I have appreciated the love and support from each of you over the last year. I can't wait to start having meaningful, picture filled, loving posts!



  1. I agree with some much of this. I just went two weeks without posting because my classes have to be my first priority right now. It just is what it is. Enjoy your summer and family! Summer is my favorite season and I want to enjoy it too.

  2. I like where you're coming from! I hate when something feels forced and fake and when I start to feel like that's happening I have to take a step back. You're always so honest and real, which is why I love reading your posts!


I love reading all your comments just make sure that you are not a no-reply blogger so I can respond!

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