To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

July 31, 2014


With Cadence starting school in less than three weeks (holy moly!) it got me to thinking about my school experience. From K5 up until 4th grade things were fun. I loved going to school, learning, recess and just the overall experience. I am guessing that when kids hit 5th grade that's when the cattiness and drama start because that's when it started for me and my own personal experience.

I was never the popular girl and although I had a few friends looking back now, they weren't true friends. It's amazing to me how much we learn as we grow older. I'm in my mid-twenties and have learned a lot about myself and the kind of person that I am. All throughout middle school and into high school I was a push over. I hated confrontation so I just steered clear of any negative situations.

If someone picked on me I would just walk the other way.

Bullying is part of this world. It's sad but true. Although I was never physically bullied, emotionally and verbally I was. Now that I'm a parent, a pushover is the last thing I am. I'm not sure if it has something to do with age and growth or just knowing that you now have someone to take care of and that you are solely responsible for, but I don't mind speaking my thoughts.

I sure wish I would have had this mindset back in the day!

Tarl and I are both raising Cadence to know that she should never start an argument, pick a fight, bully or tease in anyway, but if someone is doing this to her she needs to stand up for herself.

Cadence needs to know that she will have an assortment of friends. Friends that will be true to her forever. Friends that will defend her even when she is not around, those are the ones that you want to keep by your side and cherish. Those friendships are the real deal.

Cadence will have those friends that are the fun ones. The friends that may not have the best influence, but as long as it's not illegal it's OK to have fun every now and then. I'm sure Tarl and I will gain a few gray hairs, but for the most part we'll laugh along with them.

Then Cadence will have those faux friends. They're the ones that call themselves a friend, but the moment you walk away they will have something negative to say about you. They won't defend you when it's necessary to do so. They will always find faults in the things that you do. They will be supportive to your face, but fake and phony when others are around to make themselves seem more relevant. These friends are good for no one. A good way to tell this about these so called friends is if they talk badly about others to you, do you not think they are doing the same about you? Lose 'em and move on.

I pray that Tarl and I instill the best values and morals in her to be able to tell the difference. There is no saying more truer than "quality over quantity". I have very few friends that I trust whole heartedly and to be honest most are family, but I know they will have my back forever, through thick and thin and that's all that matters.

Speak boldly and with intellect ...Never hush your voice for someone's comfort. Speak your mind and make people uncomfortable

Always speak your mind and heart.

Speak your mind, or get over it.

Speak your mind even if your voice shakes...

That quote my Maggie Kuhn is one of my all time favorites. To this day I still hate confrontation and negative energy. I mean who likes to be around that kind of drama anyways? Not this girl! You bet your ass though I will always voice my opinion if necessary and I hope and pray my daughter learns that way sooner than I ever did! If not though, mama and daddy always have her back! :)

1 comment

  1. Even as an adult, it still makes me sad that there are bullies. I certainly encountered my fair share of them growing up. I've also noticed that it doesn't always stop in adulthood. In every job I've had there's been a "bad apple" or an "office cop" that likes to tattle on others and get people in trouble. Sad but true!


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