To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

May 22, 2014

Irrational Fears

I am the master of thinking of irrational fears. Maybe it was too many scary movies as a child. Maybe it was the fact that I had three older siblings that treated me like a true older sibling does. Who knows why my brain thinks what it does, but truth is my mind can go some crazy places. Tarl was laughing at me the other day because of the nightmares I can think of in my head. It gave him a laugh so I thought I'd share with y'all.

Irrational Fear #1
Snakes are demons. Back in the day the devil disguised himself as a serpent (true story - read the Bible). Nothing good comes from a snake, not even the little green ones. If I run over a snake with my car, look back in my rear view mirror and don't see it squished like a worm in the road, then obviously the snake has dodged my tires, slithered his way into the undercarriage of my vehicle and is going to make his way through my vents to bite me to death. Or worse, hide underneath my driver seat to strike at any given moment.

Irrational Fear #2
Choking when no one else is around. Normally no one is in the office when I eat my lunch. It's my time of day to take a break, relax, catch up on all the FB drama, and my daily blog reads while eating a well balanced meal (of course).

One day while chomping on some salad, a piece of lettuce went down the "wrong pipe" and I didn't choke, but I did cough so much I had to run outside just in case I was about to vomit (disgusting, I know).

Well this got me to thinking - what would happen if no one was around and I started to choke, as in couldn't breathe, scream or even speak to call 911 and tell them to come do the Heimlich on my ass! After my coughing spell, which caused me to have a raspy voice the rest of the day, I've learned to take smaller bites in an effort to prevent irrational fear #2 coming true.

Irrational Fear #3
There is just something so relaxing about the drive home with my windows rolled down. I love to rewind after a long day of work by turning the music up and rolling my windows down. I don't care if my hair gets wind blown because the work day is done.

One day while riding home with the windows down as I normally do, a semi truck passed by in the opposite lane and a rock flew up and hit my windshield. It didn't put so much as a nick or even a scratch to the glass, but it got me to thinking, what if that rock would have flew up and hit me in the temple of my skull. I would have died immediately.

I'm being in honest in telling you that now when a semi truck passes me while I have the windows rolled down, I cover my temple/side of my head with my hand. I'd much rather take a bruised or broken hand over death any day of the week, just sayin'.

Irrational Fear #4
Whenever something horrible happens, whether it be a tidal wave, hurricane, earthquake, etc., I automatically assume that the world is ending. Sad, I know, but true.

Irrational Fear #5
Cruising is so much fun. I've been on a total of three and plan to go on a Disney cruise in the next few years, however weeks before we are supposed to leave I always watch Poseidon and Titanic (a big no-no) and always freak myself out that some huge rogue wave is going to come and tip us over, where we will most certainly drown or freeze to death.

Irrational Fear #6
Tidal waves scare the bejeezus out of me.Every time we're at the beach I imagine the water being sucked back and this massive wave forming in the distance. Would I be able to run fast enough? Would I survive? These are legitimate questions people!

I have always wanted to visit the Maldives. I have spent countless internet hours researching the best airlines, resort costs, etc - doesn't matter though. Bora Bora has been hit by tidal waves and I'm too much of a chicken shit to go.

Irrational fears...the struggle is real! I have ones that involve my child, but just thinking about them makes my palms sweaty and I'd be here all day and night typing them out.

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