To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

March 4, 2015

Currently | March

I'm linking up with Jenna and Anne for the very first time to talk about my March 'currents'.
I'm so happy I found their blogs because what a fun linkup! Make sure you click on their names to take you over to their blogs so you can join in on the fun.

Currently, I'm...

Dreaming of warm, gorgeous Spring weather, and if you're in the Lowcountry today you're getting such a glorious glimpse of it. It's a wonderful 80 degrees outside and I'm sporting a maxi dress and sandals for the first time in months. It feels great, but from what I've heard it's going to be short lived as the end of this week is supposed to be in the upper 30s. Seriously?! Warm weather I welcome you to stay with open arms. I'm anticipating dreaming of days spent dockside, like this one from last year.

Planning both of our big trips for the year. New York is a mere 21 days away and Disney is 204. All of my NYC planning is done. I've made all dining reservations. Both our flight and hotel has been booked by my husband back before Christmas. The only two things left to do is plan our transportation from the Airport into the city and start packing. I'm leaving the packing for last minute because I want to wait and see what the weather looks like in the city closer to the date. Our weather is so up and down that one day you're wearing a sweater and the next shorts (case in point, today!) Right now NYC is in the upper 30s, but average late March weather is in the upper 50s...we'll see. We're still undecided if we want to call an Uber, take a cab, or splurge and get a town car or limo for our first NYC ride. Other than that, we're good to go. As far as Disney is concerned, I have everything sorted and planned out. It has changed a bit since I last posted about it. Once dining is booked and confirmed, I'll share :)

Baking nothing since last week. I was having a cupcake craving, made them, ate three and then felt sick the rest of the day and even the thought of a cupcake makes me nauseous. Glutton is disgusting, but when it comes to delicious sweet treats it's hard to say no. Damn you confetti cupcake batter! I do however have a box of brownies in the pantry, hmm...

Making, at the current moment? Nothing. Tonight? Spaghetti, it's whats for dinner. That or the local Japanese buffet. We'll see how my mood is come dinner time.

Watching The Walking Dead, Golden Girls, The Slap - Golden Girls is one of my all time favorite shows, it's right up there with Sex and the City and The Office. I always laugh and so want to move to Miami one day with a bunch of my friends and/or sisters once we're old and gray. The Slap is a mini-series that comes on NBC. I want to say it's only 10 episodes, but don't quote me on that. It's actually pretty good and each episode focus's on a different character and their story, plus it has Penn Badgley (Dan/Gossip Girl) in it, so that's a plus, right?!


1 comment

  1. Ah, you lucky lady - upper 30s has been our version of warm days lately! And this NYC trip sounds so fun. Thanks for linking up - glad you joined in!


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