To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

June 18, 2015


I am at a total loss of words when I think of what happened in America's Holy City last night, Charleston, SC. If you haven't already heard, a younger man (they estimate his age to be around 21) went into a Church located in downtown Charleston and opened fire on the congregation during one of their Bible study classes.

Authorities are calling it a hate crime as the shooter was white and the victims were black as it was an African American church. 

I'm sad that we live in a world where things like this happen. I'm sad that politicians and authorities and the media immediately published it as a hate crime turning it into a race issue. In my eyes, it's not a COLOR ISSUE. It's a WE LIVE IN AN UN-GODLY WORLD ISSUE! 

Who cares if you're white, black, hispanic, greek, indian, whatever you are! We are all humans, trying to survive in this crazy world that lost itself a long time ago. 

It's not a hate crime. It's an un-Godly crime. It's such an unjustly act and sick for someone to shoot another person, let alone on sacred ground where a lot of people find hope, inspiration and solace.

I pray for the families effected by this horrible tragedy. I pray they find the peace and comfort that they need as they lay their loved ones to rest. I couldn't imagine losing a loved one, period, but especially in such a terrible way.

I pray for the shooter. I know this sounds terrible but hear me out. I pray for him, truly, because he never has known the unending love that Jesus provides. The comfort that he could have had. Clearly this man has something evil living inside of his mind to cause him to do such a terrible thing and without accepting the Lord into his life, he's going to live an eternal life in hell when his time comes. 

I pray for our country. Each day people are learning about Jesus less and less. Once upon a time prayer and his love was praised and worshiped throughout schools. Church was a must on a Sunday, Sunday night and Wednesday evening. Friends were family and family was everything. Our country has vastly changed since that time. Talk of the Bible and Jesus is no longer allowed in a lot of schools throughout the nation. Often times teenagers, and even some adults, are embarrassed to speak about His never ending love for us. Not as many people go to Church as they should (I too am at fault for this!).

 I once read that God doesn't just want weekend visits, he wants full custody!
How true is this?! Pray always. Love always. Attend Church if you can. Read the Bible, read scriptures. Purchase a devotional book. Do what you can, when you can to learn more about our Good Lord, because let me tell y'all something, this world of ours is losing it's hope, peace and unfortunately forgetting who provided us with every blessing that we have. 

America needs God, now more than ever. 

Please join me in praying for our country. Praying for the victims of this horrible, evil crime. Pray for our President, even if we don't agree with some of his choices. He is still our countries leader and he needs prayers too! Pray for our children. It's such a scary thought knowing that these crimes happen every day and so close to home, and here I am with a child who knows nothing of these horrible acts. I pray she holds onto her innocence for as long as she can. Pray for our children, our friends, our families and even our enemies. 

America, let's PRAY!


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