To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

January 8, 2015

15 in 2015 {things you may or may not have known about yours truly}

1. I always have a notebook to jot down things. Lists, doodles, packing notes, travel notes. 

2. I'm a sucker for paper products. I get suckered in to cute stationery, planners, notebooks, notepads, cute post its. If it's pink, gold, silver, sparkly or in the Target dollar spot I'm totally going to buy it.

3. I waste a lot of money on a lot of shit I don't need. I never consider money wasted if it's spent on clothes or accessories (purses, shoes, etc.) because you're going to get your moneys worth out of it one way or another. 

Case in point; I was cleaning out our 'catch all' drawer last night and stashed away was my $50 Erin Condren planner. Remember that gorgeous planner I obsessed over last year in a blog post. Yeah, it was stashed away in that drawer with only about 3 months of planning used out of that entire book. What a waste of money. I was beyond mad at myself. I guess #2 on this list comes into play. Paper products, planners and's a hard addiction to get rid of but I can promise you I will never buy another $50 planner again. 

Target collaborated with Sugar Paper and has some beautiful planners at a great price.

Sugar Paper 2015 Wall Calendar -8.5"x11"
Sugar Paper 2015 Daily Planner - 8.5"x11"

Sugar Paper 2015 Daily Planner - 5"x8"

4. I think that Jagermeister is the most disgusting thing. It's the first drink that I ever drank that actually made me sick/vomit. Sad thing is, it was only one shot and I have the picture of me doing the shot!


It was my parents vow renewal. I'm in the pink dress. Apparently at the time my sister and I thought it was awesome to dress alike. Gotta love looking back on fashion choices. Anyways, that little cup in hand was loaded with Jagermeister and I thought I was a badass drinking with my older sisters/family members. This badass right here made it another hour before yacking on the side of the road. I slept beside the toilet that entire night. Awful, just awful.

5. I burned my feet terribly when I was 3. So bad I had to wear bandages for months. The doctors all said that my feet would never look the same. The Pastor of my parents Church at the time came to the hospital and prayed over my feet and asked the Good Lord for my health. My feet look just as normal as everyone elses!

6. I have OCD very badly. Not the kind where I have to open and close a door three times but if I see something out of place I have to put it in it's place. If I get it in my mind to clean, I have to clean I can't let the mess just sit there. Each time I pray I blow a kiss to the Lord, Tarl and Cadence. Every.single.time.

7. I love reading with Cadence and Tarl. She'll pick out a book and I'll read the story giving each character their own unique voice. Cadence is now learning to read and it's so special having her read us stories. Our favorite books are pop up books and if you have never heard of Robert Sabuda you need to look him up! His pop up books are unbelievable. They bring the world of pop up books to an entire different level. Cadence received her very first pop up book last year from her Aunt Yvonne (my brother's GF whom we adore) and it's now an annual Christmas gift. Last year was Beauty and the Beast, naturally, and this year was The Little Mermaid. 

Just look at the detail in that coral reef. See the right page with the mermaid on it, that opens up into more tiny intricate pop ups. This is just a small inch of what his pop up books are. The second page opened up into a huge boat that pertruded out towards us as we were reading the story. They are beyond amazing and I cannot wait for Cadence to continue to grow her collection.

8. I prefer cooler weather over hot weather. 

9. I have horrible road rage but when I'm a passenger I freak out when the driver does the same exact thing I'm guilty of.

10. When I get into a good book I read it cover to cover. When I get into a good book it's the only time of the year I enjoy the warm weather because I'll sit on my porch at night with a glass of sweet tea, a marlboro light and read until it gets dark. I know that it's terrible to smoke, but a habit that I truly need to break. Moving on...

11. Pink is my most favorite color but I think I look more pretty in white clothing.
 You damn blondes can pull anything off. 

12. My most favorite place to visit in SC is Myrtle Beach. I've been countless times and just love it. You can walk the boulevard for hours. Besides the beach there is so much to do and see and I just love it. Every time we have been we always splurge and get a hotel on the beach because other than "Broadway at the Beach", everything is on the beach. The most funnest time though, if I'm being honest, was the time that Emily and I went together. There was this old lady staying at our hotel and by old I mean 70+, in her black BIKINI, tanning and with an attitude like a 20 year old - we loved her. I don't have many pics from that trip, but this was our hotel view.

Not gonna lie - I like boot weather but I wouldn't mind this right now. It's freezing today!

13. My most favorite place in GA to visit is 30 minutes away, beautiful Savannah! Love it and living here all my life there is still so much to do and see and try. 

14. My hair used to be really short and SO easy to take care of. I love my long locks but sometimes...

(side note: this pic was taken in Myrtle Beach - the first time Tarl and I ever went together)

15. I have a few celebs that follow me on Twitter. I'm most proud of Florida Georgia Line though. They even Direct Messaged me one night @ their concert!


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