To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

January 13, 2015

Let's Do This (January Goals)

To be honest I'm not crazy about reading these blog posts when others blog about it, but I started thinking you know most likely they blog about their goals for their own personal selves and then it didn't seem like such a bad idea. Something to look back on. Let's get to it...

1 - Read a book

It's going to be my goal to read one book each month. I know it doesn't seem like that hard a goal but between work, Cadence being in school, your usual household chores and making sure I spend quality time with my family, it can often be a challenge. Luckily I've already completed this goal for January, but if I can squeeze another one in then #woohoo!

2 - Bring lunch to work

I aced this last week. I brought in my lunch 3 out of the 5 days and that's a huge improvement from the eating out 5 out of 5 days that I normally do. Today I bought my lunch, granted it only cost $7, that adds up, and quick! 7 x 5 = 35, 35 x 4 (weeks in a month) = 140

$140 just for some junk food each month is ridiculous and I hope to change that. $140 per month is a nice Disney vacation and if I think about it that way I'm pretty sure I can stick to it :)

3 - Visit Family

#1 kinda goes hand in hand, between work/school/etc. we don't get to see Tarl's parents that often during the month nor my parents, and they live next door! I (we) need to make this more of a priority, even if it's dinner once a week or something as simple as a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning.

4 - Me Time

I always feel guilty when I have time to myself. Tarl enjoys hunting and does so when he can. I don't mind him hunting and he enjoys it. However if I go and do something I always feel guilty about it. Tarl doesn't mind and in fact encourages time for myself, but I personally always feel guilty if I'm not home spending time with the two loves of my life. I always think, you know I could be spending quality time with my family but instead I'm shopping or out with my sister. Honestly, we should never feel guilty about "me time". It's great to get a way and have time to yourself. It relaxes you and keeps you sane. I'm not saying go out and party all weekend every weekend but a few hours one day a month isn't going to hurt and I need to try my best to have a little bit more me time each month.

5 - Meal Plan for Home

Huge time saver when you already know what you're cooking for dinner at night. It's even easier when you have all the ingredients at your house. I plan on making a grocery list accordingly to ensure we have all ingredients needed to make a delicious meal.

What are some of your goals?

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