To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

January 5, 2016

Intro | Resolutions (or lack thereof)

Just in case you're new to this blog I decided to do an introduction. If you've stuck around for a while then let's consider this part of Show and Tell Tuesday, either way, I'm pretty excited about my first official post of 2016. Sure, I did post yesterday, but that was a Christmas re-cap, moving on...

Join the fun here.

My name is Miranda and this is my little family. My highschool sweetheart turned husband and our beautiful daughter, Cadence.

We enjoy spending time with family because 2nd to God, family is most important, but the one thing you should know about me is that Christ always comes first. He is our Lord and Savior and loves us unlike any other!

We live in the gorgeous South Carolina lowcountry, emphasis on country, after all, see that piece of straw hanging out her mouth :)

My most favorite thing to do is travel. I love seeing new places, but two places that I could visit over and over again both require lots of walking and have tons of people...

Disney and New York!

No one makes me laugh like this guy!

Although I adore Christmas, which is by far my most favorite holiday, Fall will always be my most favorite time of year. The sights of the gorgeous foliage turning into hues of orange and red, along with all the wonderful fall smells that Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle has :)
Fire weather in the south truly begins in the Fall. Simply love it!

The Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful life and family. I thank Him each and every day for every blessing he has given to me. 

As far as resolutions go I have decided to forego any resolutions in 2016. I'll be the first one to admit that I never keep any of the ones that I make, so why set myself up for disappointment?
Rather then make any resolutions I've decided to just keep notes of the things that I plan on doing for 2016. Y'all know how much I love lists, so that's how I plan to keep track of everything and stay organized throughout the year. With that being said, here are my plans for 2016...

Read the Bible

This is something I've had on my resolution agenda for the past few years. Just like anything I start off great and by mid-February start slacking. With that being said, this year is different. I've downloaded the Holy Bible app and read scriptures throughout the day. A few here, a few there. I highlight what I have read and take my own pace with it. It's worked great so far and I want to keep it up and hopefully by Christmas this year I'll be finished, but just remember, the Bible is something you never finish. It's always there as our spiritual guide, always. My mom has read it countless times....overachiever :)

Start Monogramming

Another thing you should be aware of, I love monograms! If it doesn't move, monogram it, and even then I monogram it! I have always wanted to dip my toes in the monogramming pond but I've always just paid for someone else to do it. After adding up in my head what I've spent on having items monogrammed this past year I realized I could have already purchased a computer and a monogramming machine to do it, so this year I hope to add that to my list. 

I want to purchase a new computer (ours is ancient and so slow!), a Cricut for monogramming and this gorgeous desk that I've eyed at Target for years now and that's currently on sale!

I have the perfect spot in our home to make a little office and I hope to start working on this within the next few months.

Take Better Pictures

This is probably something that most of you could agree with me easy and convenient it is to grab our phones and snap pictures. I have a camera that takes gorgeous pictures, way better than any phone and yet it sits in it's camera case most of the time, which is sad and such a waste. I hope to bring that baby out a time or two this year.

We'll see how this goes. Fingers crossed I stick to my guns.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. your family is adorable! great post! hope you'll check my blog out as well!

  2. Good luck.


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