To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

May 9, 2013

A Letter to My MoM

Dear Mom,

Second to God, you were the first person to ever truly love me, because you were the first person to feel my kicks, those little belly hiccups, and the midnight "can't sleep" belly flips. Then I was born on a cool October morning, and although I can't remember, because essentially that would make me a genius and we all the know the genius in the family is Angela (insert major SARCASM here), I was the fattest baby with the blackest hair that the nurses had ever seen. Then I grew into a tiny toddler and that is when the real fun for the two of us began. You spoiled me rotten, and still do, so not much has changed on that subject. I got any thing I wanted that you and Daddy could afford, including that little baby deer, Bambi (how original). It wasn't long after, as I was Blessed, to grow into a young woman, and that is where our trials and tribulations began. I thought I knew it all, and looking back now, I was right...just kidding! My teenage attitude caused some issues between us, but nothing major, I mean after Tesha and Ange's teenage years, mine was probably a cake walk... :)

Even though we had our disagreements, I always respected you and you always trusted me to make the right decisions. Looking back through the years I feel I have done that. Each decision I made has lead me to where I am now, and that is such a happy place. I have been blessed with an amazing husband, and now I get to relive what you and I had with my little Princess. I am going to cherish each day with her. I'm going to watch her grow, God willing, into a beautiful, healthy, vibrant young woman. I will see her through boo-boo's and breakups. Pageants and prom. Alas, her wedding day will come and if I'm lucky enough I will fix her veil and poof her dress, as you did with me.

I am who I am because of you. I never thought for one second about my life without you, until every thing happened last Spring. It's been a year now and the cuts still lie deep within my heart. For three weeks our family huddled around your bed and listened as the doctor's told us the worst. Through prayers, community, family and friends, Jesus pulled you through and I thank him for that daily.

You are still young and vibrant, although you may have wrinkles around your face, this has just proven you have smiled a lot through the years. You may have arthritis in your hands, but that has just proved that you have used them to crochet the many blankets you have with your talent. You've used those hands to pray.  You have used those hands to hold each of your four babies when we were sick, or going through heartache, or just needed you. Your hair may be gray, but that's why we have LaTesha in the family :)

I am so thankful you are still with us. You light up the room when you are in it. You make every one laugh with your quirky sayings and repeating your stories a thousand times...but this is what we expect from you. That is what we love about you and wouldn't have you any other way!

I love you mom. I wish you the happiest of Mother's Days!

Love Always,




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