To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

May 20, 2013

Reflect on What is Important!

As I was laying in bed, sick on Saturday, with nothing more than a head cold, my little Princess came in the room, placed her hand on my forehead and said, you feel cool to me. It's those precious little moments, that even when my head feels like it's going to explode with stuffiness, that makes my day!
It wasn't long after she asked me to help her do a puzzle. I didn't feel well at all and declined. She sat there on the hard wood floor, still trying to figure out how to do that puzzle, and there I was laying in bed, watching TV. Well if I was well enough to watch TV, then I sure as hell was well enough to help my daughter with her puzzle, and that's what I did.
I felt such a great relief afterwards, because it's times like those that I normally take for granted. There is so much despair and hate in this world. There are so many illnesses and death and I need to cherish every.single.moment I have with her, God willing it will last a hundred years!
Don't get me wrong. I know I spend plenty of time with my little one, but something in my eyes opened watching her trying to do that puzzle, when I realized that I need to spend more of my time and make more of an effort into every relationship I have. Friendships, siblings, parents, my marriage, and obviously the one I have with my daughter.
Even sick, we had a great weekend together and I still managed to get plenty of rest while her daddy took her to a birthday party, where she played on a trampoline and made a new friend. She now says that "Olivia's house is the best, because it has tons of cotton candy." I didn't know how to break it to her that the next time she goes back there may not be cotton candy, since it was a birthday party.
Time to reflect...easier said than done. I enjoy laying down and watching my recorded shows daily, but I vow to change this and spend more time doing puzzles, or playing outside, catching butterflies, running through sprinklers...whatever will put a smile on her little chunky face!
Speaking of face...check out the silly ones she made yesterday!

On a completely different subject...Summer!
I cannot wait! Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching and the weekend after we are going on a mini vacation to Wild Adventures. Here are some of my summer must haves!
summer nails
This is my go to summer pedi! I love the bright colors and little studs.
Sperry Top-Sider Bluefish 2 Eye via Zappos

In the summer I live in my Sperry's! Shorts, skirts, dresses, jeans, it does not matter. They are so comfortable and the tan color goes with everything! They are a bit on the pricey side at around $85, but I've had mine for six years now and I'm due for a new pair! Best shoe purchase ever!
My go to shades have always been and will always be Aviators! They go with any outfit, chic or casual, and for $20 a pop at American Eagle you can't beat the price! I love my aviators and go through about 2 pairs a year. I buy them two at a time and keep one in my purse and one in my car, this way I'm set anywhere I go.
That's all for today folks!

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