To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

July 31, 2015

Back to Black

I'm so happy that it's Friday, but aren't we all?

I hope to get in some swimming to kick off the last bit of summer. We went over to some friends of ours last weekend and swam in their pool, which is wonderful. They have such a gorgeous home and patio that it's just stunning to sit outside, swim and relax. Plus they are so fun to be around. My brother and sister-in-law were there too, and they are always a riot. 

We also went to the mall. Cadence had to make a wish and it was just too precious of a moment not to share. Mind you, she thinks long and hard about the wishes she makes.

We're still having sweltering heat here in the south, but August is tomorrow. August, although most people associate it with the start of Fall as schools are starting back and summer breaks are coming to an end, is one of our hottest months, but the other night after a thunderstorm there was a bit of chill in the air. Nothing major, nothing that required a coat, just a slight chill that I had to go put on jeans.

Seriously though, Fall can come anytime now. I will gladly welcome her with open arms!

Every year once spring arrives I always want lighter hair, so I put a lot of highlights in it. After the highlights grew out to where the roots were showing badly, I died my hair all over with a medium brown color because I wasn't quite ready to be back to all black (my natural color).

Well as of Wednesday I was ready. Let me tell you something, it feels good to be back to black...

I've tried so many hairstyles and colors, but in the end, I always like my natural hair the best. I'd say I'd stick with it, but I know come next March I'll want a lighter hue...

As I've said here before I'm dying to re-decorate our house, or the rooms that we have left to decorate. Two rooms are screaming to be re-done more than any other and right now that's Cadence's bathroom and the living room. Currently we just don't want to spend the money on new living room furniture and transition from the brown leather sofas we have now, to a neutral colored sectional, but that still doesn't mean I can't paint the walls and the coffee tables. 

Our living room wall is the largest in the house and it will require a lot of time to paint it. It's just not something I want to do right now because Tarl hates to paint. He'll do anything else I ask him to do, but he will not paint. 

I can't blame him!

So this weekend, I think I'm going to start small. Who says everything has to be done at once?
I'm going to paint our living room tables. We have one side table and one coffee table. 
That'll be quick and easy. 

Cadence's bathroom is tiny and it won't require too much time painting it, so I think I'm going to try and tackle that this weekend too.

We've decided to paint her walls an off-white color and do decorations of pink and gold. Something simple yet classic. 

Happy Friday folks!

1 comment

  1. So jealous of that pool time – I’m hoping to get in some of that this weekend too!


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