To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

April 8, 2014


I haven't forgot about this ole blog of mine. It's just been a really busy few days at work and home, which is a good thing, right?


I had one of those weekends watching Sex and the City re-runs, along with both movies and believe it or not the hubs even watched it with me...he was upset when Carrie and Aidan didn't get together, weren't we all?


Something amazing happened this weekend that it truly brought me to tears. It may seem like such a silly thing to get teary-eyed over, but it was so sweet. My little family was driving in downtown Savannah this past weekend. We were enjoying the lovely spring weather with the windows rolled down, taking in the sights of the large southern mansions and townhomes, along with all the pretty squares with old oaks and azaleas blooming. I made a quick comment to Tarl about how Savannah is our version of New York. We were at a stop sign and he grabbed my hand, looked at me, smiled and said, "Just so you know, I have every intention of taking you to New York before your 30th birthday." Silly? Maybe. Sweet? Absolutely.


I'm wanting a color change for my hair and have tossed around many ideas, but ultimately still want to keep it dark (my natural color is black). Here are some lovely ideas...thank you Pinterest!

half up-do twist
✧ hurr


Here are a few pics from this past weekend which include lunch at Tubby's Tank House (such a beautiful place to eat and great food!) and dinner at The Melting Pot, of course!


I get the duck face has been done, way too much, but damn I just love how skinny it makes my cheeks look!

Short and sweet I know, but forgive me because between work being swamped, house work, family and 
T-Ball, blogging is definitely down on the bottom of my list. I hope to get back to my normal routine the rest of the week

1 comment

  1. I like the second hair color the best :)
    I feel yah blogging working family...feels like there is no time!


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