To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

April 11, 2014

Five on Friday {I'm Back!}

I am sorry for being a slacker on moi blog. To put it honestly, I've been lazy this week. The only thing on my mind is sleep and relaxing, so not only is there not much to blog about but sleep, blogging has been the furthest thing from my mind.

I've been trying my very best to drink more water and the lack of caffeine has caught up with me, so as I sip on my large carbonated Pepsi, I'm ready to blog about this weeks Five on Friday, link up here.

one // Cadence has a mild obsession with flowers. By mild, I mean every single weed she sees is a flower and she picks it. A flower petal on the ground is like finding Cinderella's Glass Slipper, and a flower growing in the ground with all it's glory is our equivalent into walking into the mall where everything is free, fits perfectly, and they have one in every color. Needless to say, it's about the cutest thing, especially when my dad takes her on a "flower hunt". It's moments like these that I am thankful for an iPhone.

two //  I saw this on FaceBook earlier this week and had to share here. Thankful to the Good Lord my mom is still with us today. She's had some tough times in and out of the hospital, but through prayers and her strong will she is here and kicking. This touched my heart so much and is beyond the most truest thing I have ever read. My mom is my best friend, always!

three // I am so very excited that this week is over and Easter week is right around the corner. Easter is my second favorite holiday after Christmas of course. As a Christian I love what Easter stands for, as a mother I love how much excitement it brings Cadence. It's also a holiday where my entire family gets together and eats a big meal, then plays after. This year we have several Easter themed games planned, along with a whiffle ball game afterwards. We all get serious about this one as well as the egg toss. (Tesha, if you're reading this, we're going to kick you and Aaron's butt this year!) I'm in charge of bringing cupcakes and rolls/biscuits. I truly get into the spirit of the holiday. Look at the bread cornucopia I made for Thanksgiving three years ago.

When I commit to something, especially baking, I deliver. Pinterest has given me plenty of ideas for the perfect Easter cupcakes this year and I can't wait to bake, along with my sous chef Cadence, of course!

four // Another thing that I love about Easter, is the fact that I get Good Friday off. A four day week is definitely better than a five day work week, let's just be honest. My sister and I are planning an Easter Egg Decorating get-together for the kids, and maybe a fun Easter Egg Scavenger hunt. Of course laying out in the warm sun will also be a must-do! Here's hoping the weather cooperates...

five // It's Friday and supposed to be a lovely spring weekend here in the lowcountry. I plan on enjoying the sunshine with my family and I hope you do the same!



  1. I love how Cadence is flower crazy like me. :) Such an adorable picture. Enjoy a nice spring weekend!

  2. that picture is adorable so sweet. :)

    I have no idea what we're doing for Easter yet, I might need to get on that.


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