To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

April 14, 2014

weekend and more

Hey and Happy Monday y'all!

This weekend was glorious. The weather was perfect and we spent some quality time together as a family, those are the best, am I right?!

Friday night Cadence had a T-Ball game and this time Mee-Maw and Grandpa came to watch, which she loved. My in-laws were great fans sitting on the bleachers and we enjoyed dinner with them afterwards. On Saturday we attended my niece, Olivia's, 6th birthday party and Cadence ended up staying the night with Mee-Maw to prolong her fun. Tarl and I took this opportunity for date night at our favorite of course, The Melting Pot. Normally we hit typical Savannah traffic, but it wasn't as busy Saturday night as it normally is so we took the time to walk around Savannah as "local tourists" if you will. It was actually really nice taking the time to walk around the squares.

Tarl saw a cigar shop and just had to try a cigar. As obnoxious as it sounds he walked in and asked for the most expensive cigar they had. Eight dollars and fifty cents later he sat on a park bench and enjoyed two puffs before gagging. Apparently they are not as good as he thought they were going to be. Of course this was hysterical to watch and I had to document with pics!

On Sunday when we picked Cadence up, her poor little allergies started up again. I hate this pollen sometimes! So now we're dealing with runny nose, congestion and watery eyes...again! I will be glad when Claritin isn't needed on a daily basis. It's crazy too because I've never had allergies a day in my life. 

Since it was just allergies we made the most of our weekend and headed off to the beach on Sunday. What a beautiful day it was. Cadence was scared to death of the waves and water last year and as soon as we got to the beach she kept saying "let's go to the tide" (the waves). She loved it and now I can't wait to take her back to have more fun in the sun!

Speaking of sun I am in desperate need of a tan. Let's face it, after having an almost 9 pound child and being tiny framed like I am, stretch marks were inevitable. Tanned stretch marks just aren't as bad as pasty white ones...I'm thinking a spray tan sometime this week is a must!

I'm not too upset about this work week. Not that I hate my job, because I actually do love it, but come is still work, however I'm off Friday due to the Easter Holiday and this Thursday I have to work the RBC Heritage half the day. Not too shabby if you ask me. I bought my Easter dress from Target a month ago and have not worn it yet because I was saving it for Easter Sunday. I may go ahead and pull it out the closet though if I can't find something else to wear to the Heritage on Thursday...or I could just make a Target pit stop sometime this week and keep an eye out on the spring dresses.

I am thoroughly looking forward to this Friday off. Tarl's company doesn't give them Good Friday off so it's a girls day for Cadence and I, and maybe some Easter fun with my sister and her kids. Some times those days are the sweetest. 


1 comment

  1. I'm laughing at the cigar incident because my fiancé bought some a few weeks ago and he thought it was going to be just great. He had the same reaction as your husband. :)


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