To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

April 22, 2014

When is enough, enough?

First I want to share with you our menu for the next two weeks. I thoroughly enjoy reading what other bloggers have as their meal plans for the week because it gives me ideas on what to cook for my family:

Monday: Baked Ziti w/ Garlic Bread
Tuesday: Jalapeno Cheesy Nachos
Wednesday: Grilled Chicken Salad
Thursday: Fish Fillets

Monday: BBQ
Tuesday: Porkchops
Wednesday Parmesan Baked Chicken
Thursday: Lasagna

I serve the above with a carbohydrate (biscuit, crescent rolls, rice, mashed potatoes, etc.) and a vegetable. It makes it simple and delicious.


Now onto discuss this blog post title...when do you take a step back from a friendship due to giving and not receiving? At what point is enough, enough? For a while I've had a friendship where I am always the one giving. I am the one who makes the effort to visit, talk, bring up conversations, invites to dinners and trying to schedule a girls weekend. After all of this, none of my efforts have ever been reciprocated and all the fun times and vacations I've tried to arrange have been denied due to an excuse after an excuse after an excuse.

To put it simply, I feel as if I'm giving 100% to her nothing. It's sad. I know she loves me. I know she considers me a friend, she just basically stinks at showing it, for lack of better words.

Some times I am moody, down right bitchy, but I praise myself on being honest and a loyal friend. I will truly be there for my friends through thick and thin. When they fall I am there to catch them, and vice versa, however with this one I feel as if I am truly the only one giving. It's always about her problems, her kids, what she has going on and it's gotten to the point to where I don't feel like giving anymore.

I don't want to lose her as a friend, and I won't, however, I have now decided to take a giant step back, ignore, and see if absence truly makes the heart grow fonder. To me friendships aren't always about serious conversations, but about fun as well. If you can't have fun with your friends maybe you should reevaluate that friendship and that is what I am doing. There is always an excuse when I bring up having a girls night. Whenever I try to plan a girls weekend there's a million and one reasons why she can't go and at this point in my life I don't have time to continue to put my best efforts forward into this friendship anymore.

Sometimes you just have to let go and that is where our friendship finally is. I will always love her, and I will continue to be there for her if she needs me, but I'm no longer going to give like I have been. I think it's time for me to be a little bit selfish in this friendship.


Have you ever gone through something like this? It's sad to say but it truly feels a little bit like a break up. Much advice is appreciated.


  1. awww, well i hope ur friend shows up in a BIG way in your absence... :)

  2. sometimes they get used to your never ending support that they forget to hold up their part. My best friend and I rarely talk anymore bc i was tired of making the effort. I still love her and we talk on fb occasionally but its been months since weve seen each other...sometimes you just gotta go your separate ways

  3. I went through something very similar with a girl who was a very close friend. After I bent over backwards and did SO much for her as a bridesmaid in her wedding, she pretty much went MIA. I made all the effort, and it didn't seem to matter a hill of beans to her. She resurfaced after going through a very painful divorce. She moved away, but we talk and keep in touch some. I didn't ask her to be in my wedding, and I think she may have been surprised that I didn't, but I guess I wasn't really going to forget about how I'd been treated. I guess that sounds bad to write, but that is how I feel so I have other friends in my wedding.


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