To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

March 18, 2014

Grab a cup of {sweet} Tea and let's chat...

Tarl and I were both successful with our first week of P90X3. We started the second week last night and we can both tell that we are in better shape already. I kept up with the entire workout last night without taking one water break during the workout, compared to the two, 1 minute breaks I took last week.

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "you'll never regret the workout". It's so true. Finishing up the last 5 minutes is so thrilling and empowering. I've not once regretted working out thus far!


This morning I got up thirty minutes earlier than what I normally do to venture out to hell on earth Walmart to buy Frozen for Cadence. She has no clue and I know she is going to be so excited when I get home with it in my hand. We went and saw it in theatres and every single day since that day she has watched "Let It Go" on YouTube, this has been two months now and I kid you not, she watches that song!

She is absolutely smitten with Frozen and I know she's going to love having it on DVD so we can watch it non-stop. I'm kind of excited about it though because she's been on a Cinderella kick lately so Frozen will be a nice change. I'm only two more watches away from knowing every line of Cinderella. Believe it or not, Walmart only had 5 left on the shelves, five! The cashier told me that she has worked the night shift, and ever since they put them on the shelves at midnight they have been flying off!

Looks like I made it to Wally World just in time! Thank goodness my dream last night did not come true. Yes, as sad as it is, I dreamed that I made it to Walmart and they were all gone. You know you're a mom when you dream of these things!


My mom is making a doctor's appointment today, so please keep her in your prayers. The pollen here in SC is terrible and it has everyone feeling crappy, but it effects mom more so than others. Prayers work and we sure do appreciate them :)


This weekend is supposed to be sunny and mid to upper 70s, so we're planning on taking full advantage of it! There is a local field here where you can pick all you want daffodils. I am beyond excited about this little venture and ready to fill my house with these lovely yellow flowers, just in time for Spring!


I love watching The Food Network. It's one of my guilty pleasures. My personal favorite is The Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten. I have watched her for years and Tarl makes fun of me because he says that we wouldn't eat half of the things that she makes, and this is true. We are born and bred in South Carolina and although we are open to trying new things, her ingredients and recipes are definitely different then what we're used to, but I think that's why I love watching her. When I saw this on Pinterest, wow, I just couldn't stop laughing! So true!

Love Ina!


Have you heard of Sticky9? If not, they basically turn your Instagram photos into magnets. Genius! I just purchased 18 magnets for my fridge. I cannot wait for them to come in!

That's all I got for today folks. It's cold and I'm ready to go home and watch Frozen with my family!


  1. I still have yet to see Frozen, but after hearing so many rave reviews about it, I hope to watch it soon! I'm sure your daughter is going to be thrilled!! I also have never regretted a P90x workout. Its tough but you definitely see results! Keep up the great work!

  2. I haven't seen Frozen yet but really want too! I love "Let It Go". Saying a prayer for your mom. The pollen in the upstate of SC is already bad too!

  3. I laughed about the Barefoot Countessa. I love watching her but yeah....she makes things harder than they need to be.


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