To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

March 24, 2014

It's OK...

This blog post is going to be one where you're either going to agree with me, or completely disagree with me. There is simply no in between, and that's OK, because different opinions make the world go round!

It's OK to have a night away from the kiddos. To leave your child with a family member or sitter, or even an overnight stay at Grandma's is completely and utterly OK. Often times I hear of parents who spend absolutely no time away from their children. That's OK for them, whatever floats your boat, but honey, it's not OK for me. I enjoy date nights when Cadence isn't around. I love being able to talk to Tarl about adult things. I love being able to eat my dinner in peace without having to take her to the bathroom, wipe her face, wash her hands, or keep her entertained throughout the entire meal. I enjoy the time away from her, because it makes us picking her up from the sitter, that much more special. Being a mother is my greatest achievement, and one I strive to perfect daily. I will never reach perfection, but I am perfect to her. I love being a mother, always, but I still do love being a wife, and sometimes its nice to reflect on being husband and wife without your little ones around.

It's OK to want a day to yourself. I know I talked about this a little bit last week, but I just wanted to reiterate this important bit of information. It's OK to take a day off work and go and get your hair done, a mani, or just browsing through Target with your Grande Key Lime Refresher in hand. I rarely get these, but I so cherish the times when I do. Once or twice a year I will take a half day off work, clock out at noon, and head off to enjoy "me time". No husband, no children, no girlfriends gossiping in my ear, simply me.

It's OK to have dirty floors, dishes, and a pile of laundry. You are one person. You juggle work, home, children, a husband (who is a child himself), all while trying to be your most fabulous self. It's tough shit! There's no other way to put it. Being a woman, is often times, for the birds, and at the end of the day, after 5:00 has come, ball practice is over and we are all well fed, the first thing on my mind is a hot bath, and the last thing on my mind is the dirty dishes in the sink. It's OK to let them go for one night. Trust me, they will still be there tomorrow. I'm not saying to let your house resemble a pigsty, but it's OK to let it look "lived in".

It's OK to pig out with unlimited snacks, no contacts in, no makeup on, and still in my Victoria's Secret sweats that I slept in and have a Sex and the City marathon all day. There are times when we wake up on a Saturday morning and I just don't feel like doing a damn thing. Tarl and Cadence are aching to get out the house but that could be the furthest thing from my mind. Tarl will load Cadence up and have a daddy-daughter day, and I will slip Season 1 in my DVD player, and eat whatever the hell I want until the sweats are too tight. Disgusting? Maybe. Awesome? Absofreakinglutely! I do this about one time a year, and it's great. G.R.E.A.T.

It's OK to not have the best makeup, shoes, purse or hair. I pin things on Pinterest, I'm not a pin. Seriously, who are these girls on Pinterest with their MAC makeup, long perfectly curled extensions, the newest Michael Kors bag gracing their arm and looks like they haven't eaten in days? Who are you!? Let me tell you a little bit about me. I wear ELF makeup, ya know, from Target. The cheap stuff that isn't over $3? Yeah, that's me, and it works fine. My hair is now long (Praise the Lord!) after years and years of not letting scissors get anywhere close to it. I had a "health trim" done last week and I just about cried...luckily no one could tell the difference.  The only name brand bags I have are ones that have been purchased for me, I'm too cheap to spend over $50 on a purse. #realtalk Also, I love food. I'm not "curvy" by any means of the word. Thank the good Lord for a high metabolism and good genes, but I'm not board thin either. Thanks to precious Cadence I have a tiny little pooch and stretch marks, and you know what? It's OK!

This post could go on forever. I could post endless "It's OKs" but I think you all get the point.
God made us who we are because that is who he wanted us to be. Sure, I wish I had more money in the bank so I didn't have to work and could travel and buy what I wanted, but having to work to earn the things that I do have is very special to me. My parents instilled a great work ethic in me and that's definitely something to cherish. xo lovelies and remember, it's OK :)


  1. Love this whole post. Although I'm not a mom but hope to be one in the near future. Everyone deserves a day. to relax and do what you to do.

  2. Couldn't agree more!!

  3. just letting you know I'm following you on twitter and blogger. would love a follow back.


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