To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

March 17, 2014


Dateless in Dallas

This weekend was a nice relaxing weekend at home. We did lots of Disney movies and snuggles. With the husband working this weekend and it being St. Patrick's Day in Savannah, we skipped going and chose staying and it was just as fun!

We put a very delicious looking Pinterest recipe into fruition, Lucky Charms follow the same exact recipe as Rice Krispy Treats, except you use Lucky Charms. They were...alright. Not something I will be making again. We are a much bigger fan of Lucky Charms in milk than in marshmallows. 

 Tarl loves my Rice Krispy Treats, because instead of using six cups of cereal, I only use five, which makes them extra gooey. With the Lucky Charms fail, we had to have a re-do of the original. They didn't last the weekend...absolutely delicious!

Cadence loved the snack I made her yesterday. 

Also, how precious is this picture my mother-in-law snapped?

This week we are obsessing over two things in our household, Easter and Disney's Frozen.

As most of you know Easter is a month away. We absolutely adore Easter in our home. We can't wait for Springs arrival and our family does Easter big. We have games planned and an array of seasoned food annually. This year is no different. My Easter Pinterest board is filling up with so many great ideas that I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites. 

A lot of times in our home, crafts become our decorations. I am smitten with this lovely Easter craft and it's the perfect thing to do with a child. Cadence loves craft time around each Holiday and I think this is beyond precious for Easter. It would make the perfect decoration, framed.

 DIY Easter Egg Paper Strip Art

Filling plastic eggs with candy gets old and I'm always looking for new filler ideas for eggs, nail polish is great. Personally I cannot afford $8 per plastic egg for Essie, but Dollar Tree has nail polishes for $1 and that's all a child Cadence's age needs. 

Plastic Easter eggs with matching nail polish inside. - my kind of Easter egg :) cute for girlfriends or little girls!

The same goes for basket fillers. Candy eggs and marshmallow peeps are good, but Cadence would pick Cheetos over all of those any day of the week. The thought of filing these triangle bags with them to give them the look of a carrot is genius!

We did this for TBirds K4 class but used Annie's bunnies (they are like goldfish, but bunnies) Cheetos in a frosting bag... What a cute & easy Easter snack for the kids

We do Holiday breakfasts in our home for just the three of us. I cannot wait to make this on Easter morning!

Bunny Butt Pancakes...easy and so cute! Making these for easter breakfast!!

Not sure about your children, but Cadence is ready for that Easter Egg Hunt on April 20th. Tarl and I will hide eggs throughout the house a few nights a week to let her get her "practice" in, I may have to try this soon though. I love the thought of a glow in the dark Easter Egg Hunt!

Girl Sweet Themed Pink 1st Birthday Party Planning Ideas Decorations

Tomorrow I'm off to buy Frozen, what about you? I sure hope stores aren't packed!


  1. These are such adorable easter ideas! You're definitely making me want to start decorating for spring & making easter crafts.

  2. Probably the best decision to stay as far away from Savannah as possible! I'm sure it was craaaaaazy and very green! I love the nail polish idea. And little girls would love some cheapie dollar store nail polish! So cute!


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