To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

May 19, 2014

FaceBook Etiquette (everyone needs to read!)

Just because I don't like the picture, share the post, or if I completely scroll down does not mean I don't love Jesus. I am proud to be a Christian and am thankful that Jesus died for me.

If we're being honest though, I still feel terrible. It's not because I'm ashamed, because I will scream from the rooftops my love for the Big Man upstairs, I just don't share a picture unless it's a giveaway or one fine looking recipe.


Limit yourself to one selfie a week. Unless your child, spouse, or any other significant family member is in the picture with you, quit posting pictures of yourself. You look the same as you did yesterday, the day before that, and last week, plus we know you edited that picture and probably took 125 before you got just the right angle.


Do not like your own picture. What's the point? You posted the picture so you must've liked it enough to post it, 'nuff said.


Stick with one to two hashtags and make sure that they are only one to two words. #aintnobodygottimetoreadthingslikethis


DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT have conversations in posts. It drives me batshit crazy when I comment on something and all of a sudden two people start having a conversation. My phone goes off like crazy and it drives me nuts. If you must have a conversation with someone, that's what FB chat is for.


Drama - my goodness people if FB would've been around 20 years ago, I'm not sure if "Days of Our Lives" would have ever made it. There is enough drama on FB to keep me occupied all day long. If I have an issue with someone I sure as heck will not post to their FB page for all to see. It's rude and extremely inconsiderate, and makes you look like a dumbass.


Unless you specifically know that person plays that particular game, do not send them game requests, or candy crush lives, or a Farmville plant, or whatever is popular at this point in time. There are times when I play games on FB and times when I don't. When I play games I beg for lives in a post like common etiquette tells us too, or I phone a friend, that's polite too :)

*Funny side note - when Farmville was huge, and I mean huge, that's when Cadence was a baby and Tarl and I were to scared to take an infant out in the big world. Essentially our lives were focused on sleep, dirty diapers, Sesame Street and finding fun things at home. Insert Farmville - this fantastic waste of time was a blast and if you remember correctly pumpkins were the bees knees of Farmville. If you had a friend who planted pumpkins you wanted to be the plower of that field. True story - my sister called me at 7am on a Saturday morning screaming in the phone, "my pumpkins are ready." If you remember Farmville, the fruits and veggies went bad and died after so long. Needless to say I turned my computer on so fast and went to plowing, that is when I realized I had hit rock bottom and decided it was time to give it up. #nerd #cantbeleiveItoldyouthisstory #waytoomanyhashtags #hypocrite


I think it's great that people can work from home by selling products. There are actually a lot of products that I've been wanting to try, but please do not try to get me to sell the products, try to sell me the product. I have a full time job, go home to being a mom, a wife, and keeping a house in a moderately clean condition, I don't have time to sell anything on the side.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not discounting the fact that they aren't busy, because being a SAHM is tough, I've been there, but honey boo just sell me something.


I'm not going to comment or be a "smart ass" about people posting, sharing and commenting on page pictures to win something, because I have won quite a few things on FB by doing so. I've won Cadence a monogrammed shirt, two hairbows from two different boutiques, a $200 Disney Gift Card and a $30 gift card to a candle shop. Share on people, share on...


Language is a no-no in my book. I mean yeah, I may drop a few colorful words on the blog, but that's just to make a funny statement, however I do not drop the *eff* bomb or GD - never! It's trashy and classless...period!


I have no problem with unspoken prayer requests. There are certain things that are personal that I have dealt with and wanted prayers for. The prayer is simple, just ask God to be with that person and any issues that they be dealing with in their life. You don't need to know the specific details if someone posts to pray for them.

However, don't post you need unspoken prayers and then when someone asks, "what's wrong", you reply back with "I'll PM you" - let's face it. Curiosity didn't kill the cat, curiosity is what made the kittens and we all want to know. #keepintitreal


If you're posting more than 3x a day, you are clearly in need of some FB rehab. I've been there, it's OK :)

1 comment

  1. YES!!! Girl also if someone posts a status it doesnt automatically mean they want or need advice. I posted I was feeling anxious about my ex taking my son to the waterpark and that was just it I was feeling anxious I didnt want advice just posted how I was feeling...there's an emotican for that. Of course people wanted to tell me what a great father he was and blah blah I dont care Im still anxious DAMN!


I love reading all your comments just make sure that you are not a no-reply blogger so I can respond!

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