To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

September 21, 2015


+I despise tomatoes, absolutely despise them. I don't want them anywhere on anything I eat. If tomato sauce has touched anything, I simply cannot eat it.

With that being said, I love pizza and spaghetti, weird right?

+Discipline your kids. I'm not saying beat your kids, slap your kids, or hurt your kids, I'm saying, in my opinion, it's okay to give your kids a soft pat on the butt to teach them right from wrong. I was raised that way, as were my siblings and we raise our children that way, and I can honestly say I have had countless people comment on how well behaved Cadence is. 

While waiting in the airport to depart JFK and head back to Savannah there was a couple with a little girl around 3 years old or so. She was eating a bag of Dorito's and was throwing them on the floor, at her dad, at her mom, on the airport chairs, basically every where but where they should go, her mouth. Her mom asked her to politely stop, then again, then again. Then her dad asked her to stop. 

Just to clarify, two grown adults ASKED their child to stop. Um...NOPE! You tell your child to stop, you don't make a request. If I asked Cadence to clean her room, verses telling Cadence to clean her room, imagine how dirty her room would be!

Mind you, after the Dorito incident, she had nacho chip flakes all over her hands, so her mom grabbed a wipe to wipe her mouth, then the child squabbled around on the nasty airport carpet, screaming. So the mom took the wipe away and never wiped her face. After the child's tantrum was over, the child stood up off the floor and smacked her mom in the face. 

Angela and I were appalled.

At that moment I thanked the Good Lord for blessing me with stern parents. They never once abused me, but because of their strictness and the way they raised me, I learned right from wrong, and I am instilling those same values with Cadence. I couldn't imagine having a child act the way that one did yesterday.

Don't get me wrong, all children at some point in time will act like a child. Cadence has her whiny days, bratty days and down right bad attitude at times, but those days are few and very far between. 

Thank you Lord, mom and dad!

+I'm addicted to shirts. I only have 3 pairs of jeans to my name, but when it comes to clothes shopping, I always need new shirts. I bought two shirts last week, and just last night told Tarl, I really need some new shirts.

When Tarl buys me clothes for a special occasion like Christmas or birthday, it's never jeans, a coat, a hat, a scarf, it's always a shirt. 

+I love makeup. I wish I could afford high end products like Mac or Bobbi Brown, but truth is, Maybelline and Covergirl are sometimes a price struggle. My most favorite makeup item is lipstick, but truth is, I cannot go without mascara. Even when I'm sick in bed, I'll have to throw on some mascara. 

+I'm a nail biter.

+I cheer on the SC Gamecocks but I know nothing about the game of Football.

+I'd rather go to a baseball game.

+Fall is my favorite season, but Christmas is my favorite holiday.

+I prefer cool weather over hot weather any day of the week.

+I curse. It's a terrible filthy habit that no one should do, but damn I love emphasizing stories with curse words. 

+I prefer Pepsi over Coke. In fact, unless it's carbonated, I don't like Coke.

+I don't like designer brands unless it's handbags or shoes. A pair of shoes you can wear daily. A handbag you can tote on your arm for months at a time, so spending a little extra for something you can get use of all the time makes sense to me. Paying over $40 for an article of clothing, particularly hundreds of dollars, for something that you can't wear daily is just not for me, but I don't pay your bills, so you do you if that's what floats your boat.

+I'm already thinking about my next NYC trip.

+About a week or so before I start my period, my left breast hurts so bad it's almost to the point of tears. I also feel a really bad lump on the upper part. I've had the lump checked by both a ultrasound and a breast specialist and it's nothing, but thank you Flo for causing that pain once a damn month!
(See, sometimes cursing is needed to emphasize a situation!)

+I thought Cadence was going to be a boy.
All my sisters have boys. My brother has a son, so naturally I thought, well we're going to be a boy family. Boy was I wrong...#punintended #sogladIgotagirl

+ #ilovehashtags

+Pink is my most favorite color, but when it comes to clothes (shirts) I stick to white. My wardrobe consists of about 90% white, 5% pink and then 5% of just random colors.

+I don't get the pumpkin spice latte hype. I've tried it, twice, and I don't like them.

+Without picture filters, I would hate photos of myself.

+Junk mail gets on my last nerves. I have to unsubscribe from some crap junk mail daily!


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