To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

October 6, 2015

things that make me go...ugh!

When businesses want you to do a blog post promoting their business fo' free. 
My, thanks but no thanks!

Seriously y'all, within the last month I've had three different businesses contact me wanting me to promote their business at absolutely no cost. I will never name names, that's not my style, but it blows my mind to think that because my blog is still growing, I will collaborate with them at absolutely no cost. Sorry, but that just isn't going to happen.

I understand that my blog following is small. Quite small in fact, but as I have said before I blog for me, period. However, when I have collaborated with businesses in the past, because I have collaborated with quite a few, I have always received something for my time. It's a mutual respect.

It takes my personal time and of course, effort, to write and prepare a blog post with both, great wording as well as pictures and editing alike. I guarantee you if I contacted these companies and asked them to send me something for free, just you think they would? I don't think so!


Every single time Tarl gets out of the shower or bath, he wraps himself in the towel, like most men. Then he proceeds to shave, brush his teeth, etc. After that towel has been wrapped around him for a minimum of 10 minutes, where does he throw it? On the bed. 

Mind you, the towel isn't soaking wet, but it's damp enough to leave some moisture on my clean sheets and blanket. Seriously can't take one step to the left and throw it in the dirty clothes hamper?!


Dentist costs. I have had two medical procedures done in one week before, after insurance was applied I only had to pay a couple hundred. Mind you, the procedures weren't small either. I had one crown put on my tooth, count 'em, just one and it cost me a grande out of pocket, after insurance. 

What a freaking rip off!


All this dreary weather we've been having.


When you try to sell something on a resale page and you get these questions...

Is it in good condition?
(Yes, otherwise I wouldn't be selling it)

Does it come from a pet and smoke free home?
(No, I have two pets. Two. Do they shed? No. Does this $30 shirt that I have for sale for $2 have hair covered all over it? Nope!)

Will you take $30?
(Brand new Coach purse. Authentic. Christmas gift that my man paid $150 for and that same year I received two other handbags. Never used. Excellent condition. I asked $60, firm. Do you not know what firm means? No, I will not take $30, I will take $60!)

When they reply...well you'll never get that
(Funny, because after you insulted me with that low ball $30 offer, I had someone message me stating they wanted the purse today, and arranged pick up within an hour. They came, paid cash, picked up with no hesitations. When I marked SOLD I tagged the low baller :)

Where you at?
 (You've been sitting at the designated meet up spot for 10 minutes and shoot them a courtesy "I'm here waiting" message. For them to respond, "sorry, can't make it, wanna meet tomorrow?", I'm good, I'm moving onto the next buyer)

It's hilarious because my sister says I'm a freaking beast when it comes to selling off of resale pages. Seriously I give you one shot, unless you give me a good reason for cancelling and not sending me a courtesy message stating that you can't show, I'm moving to the next. If there is no next in line, I'll keep the product before I sell it to them and waste my time all over again.

I get things come up but you have a phone or computer, just send me a message, it's not that hard. 

I have no patience for people who are no-shows or who want to low ball. Not me!

*By the way, these are all true stories!


When people try to sell items on resale pages for more than what it costs brand new!
I've seen this so many times. Someone posts a pair of shoes or a decorative item that Marshall's has for $5 less than what you're asking for it, brand spanking new!


Football fans who think their team is the best.
Sure I love the Gamecocks, but have you not watched any games this year? We're having a terrible season. We are most certainly not the best, not this year anyways!

Clemson fans say, y'all suck, we're the best...oh yeah, I forgot, y'all have never lost a game, ever.
Hah - give me a freaking break!

It's okay to be a diehard fan of your favorite team but unless your team has gone undefeated for the last several years, I wouldn't go around shouting "we're the best"! Just sayin'.


When I ask what my family wants for dinner and they reply with an "I don't care". So you make something simple, like sloppy joes and tater tots...guess what? That's not what they wanted.

Too bad, shoulda've spoke up when I asked you what you wanted.


When recipes don't turn out like the picture.


When recipes turn out like the picture but they're terrible.


People who take absolutely no responsibility for their actions.


Fake people. I may be a lot of things but fake isn't one of them. If I don't like someone I don't smile, say hello, talk with them for five minutes and then walk past them and start talking crap. I wave politely, like an adult should, and keep on my way. I never understood why grown women pretend to like someone to just start trash talking them minutes later. It's OK to not like someone, it's not OK to bad mouth them right after you pretended to be their best friend. Grow up Peter Pan.


Parents who don't discipline their children. Children need guidance and discipline, period!


When I click on a pin and it says "it looks like you've already pinned this".
Really pinterest? Have I?


When skinny people say they're fat. When fat people say they're fat.
You're not fat!!!

First off, I'm a skinny girl. I may complain about my stretch marks because Lord knows I have them but I am not fat and I know it. Skinny girls who say they're fat, good and damn well know they don't have a big bone in their body. Seriously, stfu!

When larger women say they're fat, well that drives me nuts too. Just because you got a bigger booty than the average doesn't mean you're fat. I used to have this friend. She was so pretty. She wasn't Victoria's Secret model skinny, but then again, who is, cause I sure as hell ain't!

She would always hate the way she looked in certain clothes or always try the newest diet plan out there. If only she could've seen what I saw. She was gorgeous, hilarious, make you pee your pants laugh, great personality, who cares she had a little booty on her? A big booty is in? Isn't it?
Kim Kardashian - hello!


When a favorite of yours get's discontinued.


When a favorite restaurant closes down.

My pregnant friend of mine back when I was pregnant too used to eat at the same place most every day. I would get the hot wings and she would get a wrap. Bless it, it was delicious.
They closed down.

Back when we were pregnant and craved any and everything, this same friend and I would drive wherever need be to soothe our cravings. Mind you, we only had an hour for lunch, but if we were craving the local eatery 30 minutes away, we'd push the pedal to the metal and place our to go order on the way. There was even one day we got a wild hair up our ass and decided to eat there. We figured we were already running late by that point so what the hell?

Good times.


When you argue with family.


When you lose friendships you thought would last a lifetime.


When you see these glorious wedding pictures on Pinterest and realize you would have had so many cute things had Pinterest been around back in the day for your own wedding.


When you realize it's only Tuesday.


When you realize it's Sunday and the days of sleeping in are gone until the next weekend.


Seriously though, there are plenty of things that I think may all of us go "ugh" from time to time, but for the most part, my life is pretty darn great. The Lord has blessed me beyond measure.


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