To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

December 10, 2013

15 Days

Each morning, right before I walk out the door to head to work, I update our Christmas Countdown chalkboard (found at Target for $1). I just couldn't contain my excitement this morning when I wrote 15! Fifteen days until Christmas. Where has the time gone this year?! I only have 10 more working days until Christmas, including today. Fourteen shopping days if you want to count it down that way.


Speaking of shopping, I am head over heels for my new scarf, also from Target. It's gold and sparkly and has polka dots...I mean c'mon!


Our Christmas "to-do" last night was homemade bird feeders. Cadence had so much fun with this, and it's so easy, the only items you need are peanut butter, bird seed and a used toilet paper roll.

Have you seen the Hallmark Channel's movie, Christmas in Conway yet? Holy tears! This movie has been added to my favorite Christmas movie list, not only is the story line fantastic, but it's based out of South Carolina...holla!

Don't forget to link up with us on Thursday for the 2nd part of our Cheers to a New Year, highlighting April, May and June.

I can't wait to see what all of you have been up to this year!


My Christmas list is almost done. I only have my dad, my brother and my Christmas Eve gift to the hubs. We have made it a tradition in our household to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Normally the gift is something fun or silly. I know what I am going to get him, I just have to buy it. The hubs isn't a blog reader, so I'm safe posting it here, but he has these basketball shorts that he sleeps in, and they are hideous! He lounges around the house in them, does chores in them on Saturday's. It's just awful. They have seen their last day. So I plan on buying him a brand new pair of basketball shorts, ones that don't have stains or holes!

Any Christmas traditions in your household?

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