To describe our growing up in the lowcountry of South Carolina, I would have to take you to the marsh on a spring day, flush the great blue heron from its silent occupation, scatter marsh hens as we sink to our knees in mud, open an oyster with a pocketknife and feed it to you from the shell and say, 'There. That taste. That's the taste of my childhood.' - Pat Conroy

September 4, 2013

Blogtember {Day 1 & 2}

Jenni is hosting a month long link up to get to know other bloggers better, I was so fascinated by a month long link up, with extensive topics that I was sold. I'm still going to do different posts, but I love the thought of meeting new blog friends. I am late so I'm playing catch up and doing two days in one post, here it goes...
Where I came from. The people, places, and factors that make up who I am.
I was born and raised in the lowcountry. However there is one place that I will always call home. I have lived in 3 homes my entire life, not including places I have rented, I'm talking about lived in, owned homes. The first home when I was little, the second home which is where my heart will always lie, and now the most important one which is the one I share with my family.
I don't believe in material possessions. Home is where you make memories and cherish your family and loved ones, however the "big house", which is what we called it will always be my home.
My dad spent 6 years building my mother's dream home. He built it with his bare hands, blood, sweat, and tears. It's very interesting because you know the movie Something to Talk About with Julia Roberts & Dennis Quaid? They built the movie set (barn, home, stables) for that movie. My dad knew a guy who helped build it for the movie set, and got a really good discount on the lumber. So a lot of the wood that went into building my parents dream home, you saw on the movie. To this day I still think that's so neat!
My dad and moms home was two stories, 5 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, set on 26 acres of land with two full ponds that wrapped around the entire property. It was breathtaking.
I spent most of my life growing up in the house. From barbies to break ups, I lived it there at that house. We had a dock on the main pond. That is where one of my first boyfriends etched with a knife our initials. My first boyfriend used to come and fish with me, my second used to come and swim with me, it holds so many wonderful memories. When family came in town it is where they all stayed. Cookouts, BBQs, family reunions, super bowl parties, it will always hold a piece of my heart.
Unfortunately the economy took it's toll on my parents when it did with everyone else. We did not lose the house, we were lucky enough to sell it, and are very fortunate for that blessing. The owners of the house however, did lose it not long after they purchased it. I'll drive past there about twice a year and just stare at it for a while, that house molded me, and it will always have a piece of me.
If you could take 3 months off from your life and do anything in the world, what would you do?
Um...hello! If you're just now reading my blog, let me catch you up to date. I have a huge infatuation with New York City. It's my dream vacation place that I have always wanted to visit. The list is long on the things I want to do while I'm there, and I think three months would be a good amount of time to do those things. I would need to lease an apartment though, don't you think?
I love a great view! I love sightseeing! An awesome view of the Empire State Building! Sun exposure is exactly why I need the Rodan + Fields Sunny Side Up with the Reverse regimen!   #perskinality
New York apartment interiors by Damon Liss
New York Apartment by Cara Zolot Interiors
If I had 3 months and endless pockets I could do some damage in NYC! I'd visit every museum, visit Carrie Bradshaw's SATC apartment. Of course I'd ice skate in Rockefellar Center and it wouldn't be a trip without visiting Times Square. I've always wanted to have a cup of coffee, Danish in hand, while eyeing the window jewelry at Tiffany's. It's a must that I meet the brokers from Million Dollar Listing New York (one of my fave shows!). I'd want to take a jog in Central Park, and just take in all the city sights. *sigh*
Maybe one day...

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